Thursday, 16 January 2003

Several automobiles were burglarized in the neighborhood overnight. The thieves gained entry by smashing side windows. This is just the latest in a series of car break-ins on Longwood Court in the last six months. The last I knew of was in November, but there may have been some I do not know about.

According to one policeman I spoke with, this is probably the work of a well-organized gang that is based in New Orleans, but has been expanding into the Baton Rouge area in the last year. The policeman also offered some advice that I want to share with you:

            Do not store things in your car, particularly where they are visible.

When a thief looks into your car, if he sees something inside, he may break in to see if it is valuable or if it is hiding something valuable. Even if it is a jacket or a blanket or a towel – he may think it is concealing something of value, and he will break in. Keep the inside of your car cleaned out, and when a thief looks inside, he is more likely to pass your car and move on to another. Of course, this is no guarantee he won’t break in anyway to search your glovebox or trunk, or just to cause damage, but keeping the inside of your vehicle clear decreases the chance that you will be a victim.

Even if nothing it stolen, it will cost you plenty to replace the broken window.

Late News – apparently two vehicles have been stolen from the neighborhood in the last week – please be alert and careful.

Tuesday, 26 November 2002

Sometime before 11:00 p.m. a police car spotted a stolen vehicle, which turned on to Longwood Court when challenged. The driver stopped and abandoned the vehicle. The officer pursued him on foot behind the units on the west side of the street, and captured him.

For a period of time thereafter, many police vehicles were gathered near the Government Street end of Longwood Court. I approached one of the officers who briefly explained the situation to me and assured me that everything was under control.

Thank you, Baton Rouge Police Department!

– Dudley Harrington

Saturday, 8 May 2002

One of our neighbors was injured Saturday when he accosted a prowler in the neighborhood. The prowler had been in the backyard of one of the units when he was discovered. The person who found the prowler was assaulted when he was distracted while trying to summon assistance from another neighbor. The prowler escaped after knocking the neighbor to the ground.

The intruder was described as a black male with some gold teeth. A more full description will be added here when available.

Remember if you discover a prowler or intruder, call 911.
